I was going to post this as a Flickr Sunday Best tomorrow but that would be cheeky as its not really that good a photo. It is one of mine from the 2006 WNPG Rally on The Hoe.
The reason why I bring it up now?
I have been informed that this was the 1000th photo in the Western National Flickr Group (currently standing at 1071 photos) which means that there are over a thousand more Western National photos (and most of them much better than this one!) for your viewing pleasure...
Elsewhere on the net
- Lathalmond Scottish Vintage Bus Museum. TGP Photos Unlimited
- following the recent popular post on liveries, who says Best Impressions have a monopoly on creativity? Omnibuses
- This is a follow-up to "Northamptonshires Noteworthy News" Public Transport Experience
- Announced last year, following the Coalition Government's Comprehensive Spending Review, was that Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) would be reduced by 20% from April 2012, while at the same time CSOG would be abolished altogether. A Transport of Delight
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