07 November 2022

Changes: WJ65BZE

I have now started taking bus photos again after a very quiet period. Getting out and back into the office albeit for only one day a week, and the new phone having one of the best cameras (Google Pixel Pro 7) is helping! As I catch more of the current scene in Plymouth I will be posting those that I have caught in different liveries over the years…

Lets start with Plymouth Citybus 538 WJ65BZE

July 2016

Plymouth Citybus 538 WJ65BZE

October 2018

Plymouth Citybus 538 WJ65BZE

October 2022

Plymouth Citybus 0538 WJ65BZE

1 comment:

  1. Those flash liveries always struck me as being a modernisation of the NBC Venetian Blind liveries of the mid-1980s rather than anything new, but I suspect the designer probably wasn't even born when Venetian Blind was in use!


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