12 May 2024

Citybus Fleet Update

A few updates on Plymouth Citybus

Another three Enviro 400s from Oxford have arrived this week, former Oxford 300, 303 and 308. We now have a better idea of their fleet numbers with two of them now carrying numbers in the 5000’s as shown below. They are generally having their Oxford names removed and being readied for service in their base colours although former 300 SN60BXW carries a special livery so may need a bit more work

5027 OE11YNL Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 Red
5029 OE11YNK Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Apr 2011 Maroon
[300] SN60BXW Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H45/31F Feb 2010 Blue Sky Thinking  Not yet in service
[302] OE11YMY Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 OX City Purple Not yet in service
[303] OE11YNO Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 OX City Purple Not yet in service
[306] OE11YMZ Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 OX City Maroon Not yet in service
[308] OE11YNM Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 OX City Maroon Not yet in service
[313] OE11YNJ Alexander Dennis Trident E40H Alexander Enviro 400 H47/30F Jun 2011 OX City Red Not yet in service

Another three buses for Plymouth Citybus from Oxford



Meanwhile most of the Go North West E200s are out in the orange and blue livery as acquired with Plymouth Citybus logos on the front. Three so far have been repainted in red but have yet to receive any ‘tramlines’

2460 SK15GXZ Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F May 2015 RED
2461 SN16OGU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Apr 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2462 YY16YJV Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B38F Nov 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2463 YY66PCU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2464 YY66PCV Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2465 YY16PDO Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2466 YY66PDU Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 RED
2467 YY66PFJ Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 GNW: Plymouth Citybus
2468 YY66PFK Alexander Dennis E20D Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 B39F Nov 2016 RED

The Oxford buses will see off the Scania double deckers. The current plan is that up to 6 more Scanias will Dartline 6001-6004 in time for the new school year in September. It is also expected that some of the remaining ones will become trainers in due course.

One final bit of fleet news is that Citybus 136 was badly damaged by fire on the A38 this weekend.

The bus was not in service at the time as it was under test. I would not expect it to be repaired in view of its age.


You can click through to Herald web site [https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/plymouth-news/live-a38-traffic-stopped-after-9277907]

where you are promised “dramatic footage”. Once you have endured up to 30 seconds of advertising you then get 5 seconds of video – I think dramatic is a bit of an overstatement!


  1. Hey Graham, 5029 is YMZ, formerly 306, meaning 5028 will likely by YMY

    1. Thanks for the correction!

    2. i think, it will end up as 5025 - YNJ, 5026 - YNK but after that, i'm unsure as YMZ is 5029, so nowhere else for the NM NO etc to go.

    3. 2465 is also a 66 plate :)

  2. https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/truro-park-ride-seven-new-9281769

  3. Kind-of connected: Go-Ahead Oxford Bus Company plans to step in if Arriva closes its High Wycombe and Aylesbury Depots at the end of July, as planned. Carousel Buses would take over most of the Arriva routes operated from High Wycombe.

  4. Some of the buses LCD screen fonts have changed again, I haven't been able to get a picture but I think 4011 is one of them? Anyone else seen them?

    1. Indeed I have, funny you say that! Not sure if they’ve just been given them for free out of decommissioned buses or paid for them, in my opinion if they’ve paid for them (obviously depending on price) but either way its just a waste of time when the previous screens were fine.

      Like ooo font change😂

    2. @Anon 19/05 @ 16:38 - seriously, someones changed the destination boards without permissions? Surely not?

    3. If it's been done without permission, i find that worrying considering i've seen it on 161, 4011 and 2460 at the very least. Anyway, i much rather like the new style, looks clearer.

    4. a few of the e400citys was also done to the new dest font.. there was a new dest font just before this one that matched the citybus livery text.. i much prefer that one, but as long as a dest works i have no worry on what a font looks like, and im sure passengers wont aswell.. allthough there is some e200s going around with a very faded white screen thats hard to see in the sun

    5. Not my photo, but here's an example on 508 - https://flic.kr/p/2pT7G4Q

    6. i find that such a bizzare thing to do without permission - on another note, anyone have any idea why the ex Orbits E200s haven't received tramlines considering that there is clearly no rush to enter more... They can't be waiting for some sort of new livery for the electrics surely, that's over 18 months away...

    7. Literally so true, also they’ve not done much with the Oxford E400s have they😂both in service ones havent been used for a good while either

    8. 5029 primarily living in Cornwall at the moment, but 5027 hasn't been seen since the 21s at least a week ago. 5025 is sat on the gravel. Not sure if any others have been labelled yet. 2463 and 2464 are out in PCB red now. They must be struggling in Engineering, I know they're not being painted at Milehouse.

    9. can also confirm 4010 still has the "new" blind as of today (1st June)

    10. 470 was also another, but additionally noticed 470 wearing "facelift" bumper parts which leave a rather large gap between the headlight and bumper.

  5. Random observation but it looks like Citybus are replacing a load of the destination displays on random E400s?

  6. If you go to the PCB fleet list on their website, it's now (not totally accurately) displaying length, euro standard and gearbox info. 501 etc are definitely longer then 10.2m!

  7. 6017 was broke down being prepped to be towed away this afternoon at Crownhill Low Level earlier, probably won't see that one again now.

  8. To clarify, the blinds changed are being added by someone else. Not by PCB. It's a driver who has 'gone rogue' so to speak and is not a new blind style (although they are much needed)

    1. surely a driver wouldn't be able to get his hands on the config tools, to be able to do such a thing?

    2. Much easier than you’d think. Hanover Helen/Hannah (can’t remember which), download to your computer and you’re away. Save to USB and plug the stick in.

      Truth be told, given how many vehicles were ‘updated’, it could have been much worse! A disgruntled employee may not have been quite so focused on an actual improvement to the blinds which, let’s be honest, the new font and style certainly was!

    3. i'll give them the dedication to get all the routes listed in the new font etc. Find that totally bizzare and a complete waste of time. PCB doesn't seem like a company in good shape at the moment.

  9. For two days running this week, the Dartline vehicle (1223) has been tracking on Bustimes on some very odd routes - several trips on the 34 on Monday (swapping out mid-morning at Millhouse) and two on the 75 yesterday. Is there a severe shortage of serviceable vehicles or some other explanation?

    1. Hope not the busy school 75 (normally DD) trips?

    2. pretty sure it's a ticket machine swap, can't be sure with how things are at Milehouse atm, but i can't see a little streetlite on a 75 :D

    3. 1223 on Monday was in reality bus 4001 on 34's .

    4. reply to Anonymous8 June. 472 is tracking but its infact 570.. cant always trust the tracking.. 570 been tracking like that for quite a while now without anyone noticing *im guessing anyway

    5. 1227 is now tracking as something else on the 12s today (10/06) too, unless it actually is?

  10. Had my first ride on 5027 today, these buses still feel modern, they’re certainly quieter than most.

    A relatively decent second hand experience in my opinion

    1. 5025, 5027, 5029, 5032, 5034 are now alll out and about. 5034 on 23s this morning.

    2. As has said , the Oxford buses are sure not bad , had worse stuff turn up for sure !
      Alook back at fleet acquistions in go ahead days starting off with the 2010 Solos, Oxford Darts, and the endless B7's ! Mid 2010s we had the Trident's from Brighton

    3. Now Oxford City bus has more or less taken over Arriva in Aylesbury they might want them back

    4. Think we are safe there! Carousel are taking the route on (City of Oxford group) but it seems GA are taking a largish batch of Enviro 400s from West Midlands Transport 09 reg I believe some at least heading for Carousel.

  11. Think those early days Solo's from G N E and the dual door Oxford Dart's didn't last long at all especialyl the Solo ' s less thna a yr if i recall !

  12. Not much has been said but this is the new First national livery. It appears this will gradually be rolled out nationally replacing Buses of Somerset and Cornwall by Kernow https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53775434639_cc0fb8fa45_z.jpg

    1. For a while First got into a really good way with their buses and fleet movements, however unfortunately due to issues with bus routes and cascades lately, half of the buses being used in different parts of the country are simply no longer in the right place. Some of the old CityReds from Southampton are still on show in their original liveries in their new homes, as well as many other examples. First have been through this rodeo before, Generic Barbie, Swoosh Barbie to "localised purple" to whatever else came along after that :D

  13. The massive fleet movements around Manchester along with large fleets of new electric buses in a few arears mean buses are being moved around a lot more than usual. I guess thats part of what has prompted the move back to a national livery for First. At least its a pretty decent livery this time, when its fully finished off. Not seen any in Cornwall or Somerset yet?

    1. Yeah not surprisingly, however they do seem to be having colour variations on the electrics from what i could see, well at least at First Solent anyway. Time will tell, but the purple looks good!

    2. First Solent had to get special permission to deviate from the grey and purple livery. I think it will be a one off as First see the future back with a national colour scheme.

  14. 5026 has been tracking last two days but is listed with the wrong reg on both Bustimes and the PCB app - it is actually OE11 YNK in a maroon colour with Citybus logos front and rear (along with the old fleet number of 305j


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