16 May 2024

Small changes

Plymouth Citybus have now released details of a small batch of timetable changes 2nd June:

ServiceSummary of changes
21/21A In partnership with Plymouth City Council, a new timetable will be introduced to maintain a frequency of up to 10 minutes from the City Centre, towards both Devonport and Plympton; up until 1900 on Monday to Friday, on school days.
28         Following feedback from passengers, an earlier Saturday morning journey has been added to the timetable to enable an arrival in Royal Parade for 08:30.
34         Following feedback from passengers, an 08:15 service will run from George Junction as a standard journey, school days and school holidays. 
42/42A/42C      Minor change to departure times from Derriford Hospital towards City Centre, to address congestion through Mutley Plain.
50/51   Revised timetable on weekday afternoons to improve departure times from Derriford Hospital at passengers’ requests.


Thanks to Mark Bailey for a couple of nice pics of the ‘new’ E200s out and about in blue and orange




  1. Stagecoach haven't published there timetable changes yet for the end of this month, which is unusual for them

    1. They are on website under promos and offers

    2. Stagecoach are altering route of 1a and 2 in Plymstock. Service 2 Plymstock to Saltas is increased to every 20 mins in daytimes and every 30 mins evenings and Sundays.
      Service 54 school holidays Plymouth to Bovisand

  2. I think they look very smart.

  3. I can't help but notice the 400s and 4000s looking rather quite poorly. 4003 here, and 472 are two examples.

    1. Doesn’t 472 have a big mark / bit of damage on the front of it? I noticed it when stuck in traffic the other day.

      I do agree with you though, they are being used non-stop everyday, including on the 42s sometimes which is always a shock.

      The 34’s have been subject to constant Scanias or the 4000’s so im hoping they get the remaining Oxford E400s out soon

  4. I noticed that recent E400 540 has been out of action for over a month now, didn't take long for one of those to break lol.

    As well as 5027 and 5029 have been doing Cornwal routes (typical PCB) which has been a bit disappointing to be honest.

    1. it is slightly worrying, considering how many buses Cornwall already have, but likewise, i've also seen some 24** E200 MMCs on routes in Plymouth so...


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