18 September 2006

New hope for railway station?

An ambitious scheme to build a new £300million railway station in Plymouth with retail and commercial space has moved a step forward, according to the Evening Herald.
If this grand scheme goes ahead it seems it will include a full bus interchange and new pedestrian links to the City centre and Central Park. It does all sound very grand - and like many such schemes announced in Plymouth you know it is unlikely to ever happen. The telling statement in the news item was the line that owners of the Railway Station, Network Rail, had been informed by letter - and were 'cautiously Optimistic'. Unless Network Rail is right behind the scheme from the beginning I cant see anything happening.
I hope I am wrong - the area around the Railway Station does need investment - and anything that can bring the station nearer to the City Centre - or at least bring the City centre nearer to the Station has to be a good idea. If it was planned properly - and did indeed succeed in joining the City with the Station then it could even be a feasable replacement for Bretonside.

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