23 August 2011

Bread van on Royal Parade.

Plymouth 31
Nice little photo of Plymouth Citybus Breadvan D131LTA just seen on Flickr.

Shared from my mobile as no internet again...


  1. OMG!!! Some Citybus fares going up again in September.

    Another 10p to 20p increase.

    Where I live, Goldenhind to city was £2.50 return at start of May..it will be £2.90 next week!!!

    First are still charging £2.50 for this fare...hope they hold their fares..I am sure there is an advantage to be made for First here!!!

  2. I did like to ride on the Dodges as a kid! I know they leaked and were bone shakers, but they did provide an increased frequency on many routes and provided new routes.

    One should be found and preserved for Plymouth's transport heritage.


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