Plymouth Citybus continue their transformation to Go-Ahead with their new web site design now live. It is a much cleaner more professional site as you can see from the screenshots below.
The timetables can be found here and there are finally accurate maps available for each route. These have been produced using Google Maps although they are presented here as images on PDF files which can make it harder to see on some of the large routes but its still a big improvement on what went before.

There is the promise of a new interactive map to follow.
You can even register for further updates although this does not seem to be working at the moment but I am sure this will be fixed shortly.
All in all a really a big improvement.
I think it's fair to say that Ryanair today receives the same kind of press that bus operator Stagecoach did during the late-90s. Transport of Delight
Could it be that we will hear later today that the East London Bus Group will be sold? Omnibuses This style of bodywork was to be found on the early thirty-six-foot buses built to BET specification in 1962-63.
Busworld Photography A total of 90,000 have signed up to become members of the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme in London, which is the brain child of the pro-cycling Mayor, Boris Johnson. Transport of Delight
Scales is chief executive of the Merseytravel integrated transport authority and director general of the PTE. Could he become the nation’s new top transport civil servant at this crucial time?. Omnibuses
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