It cant have escaped your notice that tonight is Big Brother Night. Who will win the £100,000? You decide! Well I don't really care this year. However it does give me a nice cheesy link to this photo. Plymouth Citybus have been busy fitting new CCTV cameras to their fleet and if you look carefully you will see the new camera as found on the back of Citybus Dart 117. There is another camera above the door to the bus. If the system is used properly then it has got to make the buses a safer place. It should help cut down on vandalism and driver abuse which has got to be a good thing. Lets just hope that Citybus don't spoil it by not having the cameras on when they are needed. All to often we hear of incidents taking place in front of CCTV only to find out that the camera was not working at the time.
I also show the full advert carried on this bus below. Its nice to see Citybus helping to make bus spotting sexy!

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