29 June 2006

Sherford here we come...

Council chiefs today unveiled the final, environmentally-friendly, version of a new community on Plymouth's doorstep.Four years ago, the prospect of green farming land at Sherford, in the heart of the western South Hams, being dug over for a new town provoked more than 3,000 protests.Now, after prolonged consultation with community groups, the latest plans for the 'three-village' town just south of the A38 are going on public show tomorrow, with a media launch today.The plan is South Hams District Council's final version of the Sherford project.
The result is a plan, which discourages the excessive use of cars, will include a "high-quality" public transport system based on a park-and-ride system on the A38 at Deep Lane and where 80 per cent of Sherford's homes will be within a five-minute walk of the three centres.
BBC news report here.
It does appear that the transport links to this huge site have been well thought out. Lets just hope that this proves to be the case when it actually gets built as all to often grand plans get watered down - and transport is often the first area to get cut.

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