Two photos of the same bus but seperated by over 300 miles and nearly two years. The top photos taken by Peter Horrex in Norwich in June 2004 whilst below we see the same bus now in Plymouth in a photo taken by Simon Coates recently. Thanks to both of them for permission to use their photos.

Of course this bus has actually travelled a lot further as it originated in Hong Kong! 'Noodles recently commented that these 'air conditioned' buses are really uncomfortable on hot days as the drivers never seem to switch on the air conditioning and they have no opening windows. Does anyone know if the air conditioning actually does work on these?
The other day the Plymouth Age Concern Walking Group were on there way to Sourton and Okehampton on a very warm day. The no-windows bus was uncomfortably hot with the air conditioning not working and to make matters worse the bus broke down at Lydford which meant an hour's wait for the following bus. Unfortunately break downs are all too frequent on FDC.