An important part of any public transport network is the humble bus stop.
Plymouth is fairly well equipped when it comes to the quality of its bus stops. We have lots of these fairly smart shelters from JC Deveraux and many of the stops have raised curbs for low floor easy access.
The bus stop feature above is at the top of Keswick Crescent, just down the road from Asda. It is slightly unusual for two reasons. First of all there is very little glass left in it. On most of these stops all the sides are glass but this one has had its glass smashed so many times by the local idiots that they gave up replacing it and instead installed the tough full metal panels instead.
The second is more down to its location, in that the timetable inside the shelter has lost a few journeys. Some early morning journeys from the city centre by pass Asda - which is normally the stop before this one. The computerised timetable sheet though takes its timings from Asda so the ones which don't stop there don't appear on this timetable. This includes the bus I catch to work in the mornings!
An example of the timetable display appears below. This one is actually in the bus stop opposite the one pictured above. As no First D&C buses currently stop here only Citybus promotional material appears. This one is fairly free from graffiti although you can see examples of the other local trick of trying to melt the plastic coating with cigarette lighters. nice!

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