27 August 2018

Devon & Cornwall Transit 117 others

Bus services across Devon & Cornwall that are due to change in the next week.

The third and final part of Devon & Cornwall Transit 117! Mainly Stagecoach services registered as altering on the 2nd September - although in reality these start from the 3rd. First South West 25 has a mysterious change of timetable which they don't mention while Traveline has the service as being run by First West of England!


First South West Ltd • PH0004983

25 25A • Newquay - Fowey •  First South West Ltd • PH0004983.514

Licence: PH0004983.514
Route Number: 25
Start Point: Newquay, Manor Road
Via: St Austell
End Point: Fowey, Safe Harbour Hotel/Quintrell Downs
Other Details: Vary timetable
Received: 28-Jun-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 02-Jul-2018
No end date
Event Type: Variation applications
N & P:  NP2654
N & P Section: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services
Event Description:  Variation Accepted
Final Published: DCT117
VOSA: PH0004983/514
Not sure what changes if anything. FSW don’t mention any changes due whilst Traveline has new timetables from the 2nd September - but operated by First West of England! 
Traveline Timetable 25 Fowey - Par - St Austell - St Stephen - Newquay
Traveline Map 25 Fowey - Par - St Austell - St Stephen - Newquay

Sidmouth Hopper • Sidmouth Local •  Dealtop Ltd • PH0005305.060

Licence: PH0005305.060
Route Number: Sidmouth Hopper Service
Start Point: Manor Road Car Park
Via: Oakdown Caravan Park
End Point: Mutter's Moor & Peak Hill
Other Details: Daily service until 2 September 2018 excluding 3 - 10 August 2018
Received: 21-Mar-2018
Effective: 26-May-2018
Accepted: 18-Apr-2018
End Date: 02-Sep-2018
Event Type: Registered
N & P:  2644
N & P Section: 3.1 Registration of New Services
Event Description:  Registration Accepted
Final Published: DCT103
VOSA: PH0005305/60

Stagecoach Devon Ltd • PH1020951

48 • Plymouth- Wembury •  Stagecoach Devon Ltd • PH1020951.242

Licence: PH1020951.242
Address: Matford Park Depot, Stagecoach South West, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD, GB
Route Number: 48 (48)
Start Point: Plymouth
Via: 0
End Point: Wembury
Other Details: To cancel registration - contract awarded to another operator
Received: 26-Jun-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 27-Jun-2018
No end date
Event Type: Cancelled applications
N & P:  NP2654
N & P Section: 3.5 Cancellations Of Existing Services
Event Description:  Cancellation Accepted
Final Published: DCT117
VOSA: PH1020951/242
Service taken over by Plymouth Citybus under tender. (Still no mention of this on Stagecoach site)


56B 56E • Exmouth Parade - Byron Way •  Stagecoach Devon Ltd • PH1020951.296

Licence: PH1020951.296
Address: Matford Park Depot, Stagecoach South West, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD, GB
Route Number: 56B (56B, 56E)
Start Point: Exmouth Parade
Via: 0
End Point: Byron Way
Other Details: New Hourly Service
Received: 20-Jul-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 23-Jul-2018
No end date
Event Type: Registered
N & P:  NP2657
N & P Section: 3.1 Registration of New Services
Event Description:  Registration Accepted
Final Published: DCT117
VOSA: PH1020951/296
The 56B is a new service that will complement the existing 56 service in Exmouth. It will run hourly during the daytimes along Mount Pleasant to Hulham and Byron Way. The 357 evening journeys which currently extend to Byron Way will be renumbered 56E between Exmouth town centre and Byron Way, forming part of the overall combined timetable. 
Traveline Timetable: 56B 56E Exmouth - Hulham
Traveline Map: 56B  Exmouth - Hulham
Traveline Map: 56E  Exmouth - Hulham


98 98A 99E • Exmouth Local •   Stagecoach Devon Ltd • PH1020951.035

Licence: PH1020951.035
Address: Matford Park Depot, Stagecoach South West, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD, GB
Route Number: 98 (98, 98A, 99E)
Start Point: Exmouth or Brixington
Via: 0
End Point: Littleham
Other Details: To revise route and extend service to Rodney Close
Received: 20-Jul-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 26-Jul-2018
No end date
Event Type: Variation applications
N & P:  NP2658
N & P Section: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services
Event Description:  Variation Accepted
Final Published: DCT117
VOSA: PH1020951/35
The frequency on the route will be reduced from every 20 minutes to every 30 minutes. Following customer feedback, one journey per hour will use a minibus, allowing it to continue to serve the current 98 route and maintain a regular service along Moorfield Road. 
The second journey each hour will become the 98A and will use larger single deck buses to help maintain capacity, despite the reduced frequency. The size of these buses means they cannot use the current 98 route and will serve Withycombe Village Road instead. In Littleham, they will not serve Roseway but will run directly to The Green along Capel Lane and then extend to Rodney Close to provide a new service to this area. Connections will be provided onto routes 157 (from 98A) and 357 (from 98) at the Parade during the daytime, creating new through links to Rolle Street and Salterton Road / Cranford Avenue.
Traveline Timetable: 98 Exmouth - Brixington - Littleham
Traveline Timetable: 98A Exmouth - Brixington - Littleham
Traveline Map: 98 Exmouth - Brixington - Littleham
Traveline Map: 98A Exmouth - Brixington - Littleham


157 257 357 • Exmouth Sidmouth •  Stagecoach Devon Ltd •  PH1020951.051

Licence: PH1020951.051
Address: Matford Park Depot, Stagecoach South West, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD, GB
Route Number: 157 (157, 357, 257)
Start Point: Exmouth
Via: 0
End Point: Sidmouth/Budleigh Salterton
Other Details: To add School and College journeys. To revise route and timetable
Received: 20-Jul-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 23-Jul-2018
No end date
Event Type: Variation applications
N & P:  NP2657
N & P Section: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services
Event Description:  Variation Accepted
Final Published: DCT117.
VOSA: PH1020951/51
157: There will be some changes to the timetable to improve reliability. These include daytime journeys leaving Exmouth 10 minutes later and Sidmouth/Budleigh 20 minutes later than the current timetable. These changes will also allow buses on routes 157 and 357 to leave both Exmouth Parade and Budleigh Salterton on an even 30 minute frequency. Departures in the morning and afternoon peaks will be broadly similar to the current timetable. Route 157 buses will also provide through connections onto route 98A. As a result buses will no longer serve the Leisure Centre, instead starting and finishing at the Parade.
357: There will be some minor changes to the timetable to improve reliability between Budleigh and Exmouth. Buses will generally leave Exmouth 10 minutes later and Budleigh 20 minutes later than the current timetable to create a regular 30 minute frequency between Exmouth and Budleigh when combined with the 157. Buses from route 357 will also provide through connections onto route 98 during the daytime. As a result, the occasional journeys that extended to the Leisure Centre will no longer do so. Instead, all journeys will extend from Rolle Street to start and finish at the Parade
Traveline Timetable: 157 257 357 Exmouth - Budleigh Salterton - Sidmouth
Traveline Map: 157 Exmouth - Budleigh Salterton - Sidmouth
Traveline Map: 257 Exmouth College - Budleigh Salterton
Traveline Map: 357 Hulham - Exmouth - Budleigh Salterton


K I J T • Pinhoe - Countess Wear •  Stagecoach Devon Ltd • PH1020951.060

Licence: PH1020951.060
Address: Matford Park Depot, Stagecoach South West, Matford Park Road, Exeter, EX2 8FD, GB
Route Number: K (K, I, T, J)
Start Point: Science Park, Digby or Whipton Barton
Via: 0
End Point: Countess Wear, Digby or Topsham
Other Details: To extend Service J from Whipton barton to Digby to form a circular service (I/J) and to extend Service K to the Science Park
Received: 20-Jul-2018
Effective: 02-Sep-2018
Accepted: 26-Jul-2018
No end date
Event Type: Variation applications
N & P:  NP2658
N & P Section: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services
Event Description:  Variation Accepted
Final Published: DCT117
VOSA: PH1020951/60
I J: Funding from the Rougemont Park housing development on Hill Barton Road will allow the J to extend from Whipton Barton via Hill Barton Road and through to Digby. Here, it will meet buses from the other direction to create a circular route. Buses running clockwise (outbound along Pinhoe Road and inbound along Topsham Road) will be route J. Buses running anti-clockwise (outbound along Topsham Road & inbound along Pinhoe Road) will be route I.
K: Funding from the emerging Tithebarn development will allow this route to be extended from Whipton Barton to Cumberland Way, Tithebarn Lane and Exeter Science Park. It is anticipated that the route will evolve in future years to serve other developments in the area. Buses will continue to run every 20 minutes along the extended route.
Traveline Timetable: I J K T - combined times
Traveline Map: Route map for Stagecoach South West service I
Traveline Map: Route map for Stagecoach South West service J
Traveline Map: Route map for Stagecoach South West service K
Traveline Map: Route map for Stagecoach South West service T

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