On Wednesday I had the opportunity to join a a group of people from Plymouth Citybus (and a few others) on a coach trip to EuroBus Expo 2012 at the NEC near Birmingham where there were some very nice new buses and coaches on display. It has to be said that much of what was on display is not likely to end up in Plymouth any time soon but I will start with a few photos of one headliner of the show that may just appear in Plymouth from time to time:
The new Plaxton Elite i a massive 15m coach for Megabus on the new Volvo B11RT chassis certainly turned attracted large crowds at the show. It really does look huge. I have to say that compared to the standard single deck Elite which is a stunning design I do find this a plain but it will turn heads anyway due to the sheer size of the thing. Internally the coach is also plain, but then dont forget Megabus is a budget operation so you cant expect too much. Stagecoach do mention Plymouth as one of the places its likely to appear from time to time so you never know, we might just see these impressive machines sitting at the bottom of Royal Parade.

It was quite hard to get a clear photo of the coach with all the crowds it was attracting

The front cabin area for the driver and one wheelchair and a few extra seats didnt seem the most practical or comfortable area, it all seems a bit cramped in this bit

A nice view from the front windows. Standard Megabus seating is practical rather than luxurious.
- Mark Nodder has used this week’s Euro Bus Expo show to set out shareholder aspirations for the business, as well as the philosophy and values that continue to guide the Wright Group, now in its 66th year. The Bus People
- In amongst the dozens of bus services operated in a to Wigan, First is one of many. Public Transport Experience No.700!
- Euro Bus Expo 2012 was far more interesting than predicted. Smaller than usual and with fewer Day 1 visitors, there was nevertheless plenty on offer to ensure a return visit today. So, what was around at the show? Omnibuses
- Go Whippet have had Scania powered Alexander Dennis Enviro300 demonstrator YN62AAK on loan this week. Andys Bus Blog
- Bluebird, with a fleet of 40, is not a large concern but that shouldn’t minimise the importance of this sale to Stagecaoch. It’s a strategic purchase. It brings Stagecoach well and truly into the north Manchester arena, one that’s been dominated to date by First Omnibuses
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