07 September 2012

Deckers at Derriford

A bit of a bonus test post more than anything else as I have a brand new camera that I can carry around in my pocket (Panasonic Lumix FS40) so I dont miss so many shots. These three all arrived into Derriford Hospital within 3 mins of each other. Just a normal day at Derriford at this time in the evening. We do get spoilt when it comes to buses. If I had hung around for another 30 mins or so I would have got at least three more double deckers usually. First 34614 K614LAE Plymouth Citybus 422 X556EGK Plymouth Citybus 406 PN02XCJ

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures Graham, sharp but are they a little too colorful or is that just because we have sun today for a change? Not a criticism just trying to help you get the best snaps from your new toy.


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