Taxifast Northern Connect SF08BUP seen at Crownhill April 2008
It seems that the Taxifast / Target Travel Northern Connect service is coming to an end. Passengers have been warned for a while that the service was probably coming to an end later this year but it seems that it is now decided and it will end sometime in August. Apparently the 56 days notice has been / is being submitted although nothing has yet appeared on VOSA but I guess it will be a few days before it does. I guess it is possible that the service might get saved by the council but as money is tight I would be surprised if they do.
It was / still is a great service supplied by a friendly group of drivers who know their regular passengers by name. They know where to expect them and look out for them. I for one shall miss it when it does end. To be fair I do have alternatives for my regular runs to work as the First service 15 would get me close to work just 5 mins later than the Taxibus. Coming home is more annoying in that I have to walk over to Derriford Hospital rather than get picked up just outside the office. Other passengers are not so lucky and the loss of the service will cause them problems. Just dont ask them why so few of them actually ever used it.
A Transport of delight: Ad-nauseum
Omnibuses: Lighten up The new Temsa lightweight - ideal for Devon and Cornwall?
PTOTPA: Snap on Sunday The new Versa - I think he likes it
TGP Dads Daily: Go for it - in England
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