21 July 2009

Transport Links need improving


Our response aims to give a picture of the current level of transport provision and future needs across the region as a whole

PlymTransit on Twitter

ROAD and rail links with the rest of the country need to be improved if Plymouth is to grow economically

043193 (by didbygraham)

This is the assertion by Plymouth City Council to the South West Regional Select Committee.

At the end of the inquiry, the committee is aiming to draw up a checklist of priorities for improving the transport system which will be presented to ministers. Plymouth City Council was among the bodies making submissions before Thursday's deadline.

"Our response aims to give a picture of the current level of transport provision and future needs across the region as a whole," a council spokeswoman said.
Existing transport systems need to be improved to help Plymouth grow in an environmentally sustainable way.
Priorities for improvement need to reflect aspirations identified in the draft Regional Spatial Strategy for growth and regeneration up to 2026.
Any new regional transport strategy needs to promote better access to the South West and explain to Government that to deliver economic development in Plymouth it is important to improve road and rail networks that join the city to the rest of the country.
More funding is needed to deliver improvements to strategic and local transport networks.
The region must deliver projects encouraging people to travel in a greener way, and focus on providing travel options that offer viable alternatives to the private car.
Regional agencies must ensure resources are allocated where they can bring the most benefit for the whole South West.
Full article on This is Plymouth
There are as usual plenty of comments made by readers, including a couple of detailed, well thought out comments (makes a change!):

If Labour are serious which I doubt, the first thing needed is for the rail line to be moved inland from Dawlish and electrified,(It will never happen) Secondly the M5 needs to be brought all the way to Plymouth again that will never happen, and Thirdly the Plymouth runway needs an urgent extension again that will never happen and certainly not in the worst recession for 100 yrs.

Of course there is one comment that links the sale of Citybus to this whole topic:

I have a brilliant idea for helping improve transport for Plymouth. How about our so called leader of the council Vivien Pengelly NOT SELL OUR LOCAL BUS COMPANY!!

Finally, my favourite comment:

One good way of sorting out the transport problems would be to move the whole of Plymouth up near Bournemouth, where they have excellent rail and road links to London, and have their own international airport. But I don't think my suggestion will ever happen!
He might well be right there!

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