This picture shows Laira Bus Depot circa 1980. Just behind the bus depot there is a road which runs across the picture from top right to top left. This is Gdynia Way. It is now part of the main route into Plymouth and forms a bypass of the old Embankment Road route into the City.
It runs along an old railway track which was originally part of the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway and was linked to the Tramway which has been featured already in this blog.
The area in this picture has changed a lot since this picture was taken. The bus depot has now gone and is left as a large wasteland - a new retail park is planned. The bottom left there is now a new road running into Cattedown and a new footpath follows the path of the railway track which runs along the river bottom right. The large warehouse buildings opposite the bus depot have been replaced by typical bland retail units.
The reason I was thinking of this area today is because Gdynia Way was partially closed for road works so that all traffic was diverted up through the old Embankment Road route. This had two lanes of traffic being merged into one lane and then being squeezed through the traffic lights which have always been set to give priority to the traffic coming up through Laira Bridge. A bus ride into the City Centre which normally takes 30 minutes took nearly two hours! Dont know who was responsible for the roadworks or the traffic management - but they should be sacked!
This photo is not one of mine but comes from Stephen Johnsons site where many other fascinating aerial photos from this period can be viewed - its well worth alook!
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